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Atha Saamaanya-PrakaraNam

Special Notes:

According to Maharshi Dayanand Purohita – VaraNam and Sankalpa-PaaTha and Aacamanam should be done only after reciting ‘Eashvara-Stuti-Praarthano-paasanaa’, ‘Svastivaacanam’ and ‘ShaantikaraNam’. The reciting of these Mantras is meant for creating a suitable atmosphere for Yajna.

Usually in daily Yajnas or weekly congregations of Aryasamaj the Yajamaans are not given Yajnopaveeta.

In Sanskaaras or Special Yajnas the Yajamaans are given Yajnopaveeta and in that case we should follow the sequence of Mantras as given in Upanayana Sanskaara – i.e., first of all every one should do Aacamanam, then the Yajnopaveeta should be given. The Yajamaans will repeat the following Mantras after Purohita and put on the Yajnopaveeta.

Om, Yajnopaveetam Paramam Pavitram Prajaapater
-yatsahajam purastaat. Aayushyamagryam Pratimunca
Shubhram Yajnopaveetam Balamastu Tejah.
Om, Yajnopaveetamasi Yajnasya Tvaa Yajnopaveetena

After having put on Yajnopaveeta all should recite ‘Easvarastuti-Praarthano-paasanaa’, ‘Svastivaacanam’ and ‘ShaantikaraNam’ and then start Yajna.

[ The special Yajnas where a Purohit is appointed, should start with ‘Purohita-VaraNam’ and ‘Sankalpa-PaaTha’ as explained by Maharshi Dayanand in ‘Rigvedaadi-Bhaashya-Bhoomika’.]

Here is an example of Sankalpa-PaaTha related to the 24th of October, 1998. The Purohits should only change the number of years of Kaliyuga passed, the present year, Ayana, Maasa(month), Paksha(fortnight),Vaara(the day), Tithi(the Vedic date), and the purpose and the name of Yajna. All these things have been underlined in the Sankalpa. For updating and changing them the Panchaanga (Hindu calendar book) should be consulted.

Purohita-VaraNam and Sankalpa-PaaThah

Yajamaana -"Om Aa Vasoh Sadane Seeda (Please take the seat reserved for a great scholar).
Purohita – Om Seedaami (I am glad to accept the seat).

The Purohita should ask the Yajamaana to repeat the following Sankalpa:

"(Adya) Tat Sat Shree BrahmaNo Dviteeye Paraardhe Prathamadine Dviteeya Praharaardhe Shree Veivasvata-Manvantare AshTaa –vinshati-tame Yuge Kaliyuge Kali-Prathama-CharaNe Panchasahasra –Ekonashata – Varsheshu (5099) Gateshu Dvisahasra-Pancha-panchaashat -tame (2055) Veikramaabde DakshiNaayane Sharad-Ritou Kaartike Shubhe Maasi Shukla-Pakshe Chaturthyaam Shubha-Tithou Shani-Vaasare Svaputrasya NaamakaraNa-Sanskaara-KaraNaartham Tatra-bhavantam Purohitatvena Vrine.

Purohita: Om Vritosmi (I am pleased to have been chosen for this position).

1. Aachamanam (sipping water thrice):

First repeat the following meaning and then, chant the Mantras and do Aachamanam. Take a little bit of water from the cup in your right hand and sip it once with every Mantra.

Meaning: O Amrita, immortal Dharma! I shall have you as the base of my life.

Om, AmritopastaraNamasi Svaahaa.

Meaning: O Amrita, Immortal God! May I do such deeds in my life that will keep me always under Your kind shelter.

Om, Amritaapidhaanamasi Svaahaa.

Meaning: Having the immortal Dharma as the base of my life and always being under the shelter of God may I achieve Truth, fame, material as well as spiritual prosperity.

Om, Satyam Yashah Shreermayi Shreeh Shrayataam Svaahaa.


2.Angasparshah (touching the parts of the body):

Now, touch water with your middle and ring fingers of the right hand chant the Mantras and touch the parts of the body with them as directed and pray to God in your mind for blessing you with healthy limbs and senses, strong body and long life.

Om, Vaan(g)ma Aasyestu (both cheeks).
Om, Nasorme PraaNostu (both nostrils).
Om, AkshNorme Cakshurastu (both eyes).
Om, KarNayorme Shrotramastu (both ears).
Om, Baahvorme Balamastu (both arms).
Om, Oorvorma Ojostu (both knees).

Om, ArishTaani Mengaani Tanoostanvaa Me Saha Santu
                                             (sprinkle water all over the body).

3.Lighting a lamp is essential:

Now, chant the following Mantra and light a lamp.

Om Bhoor- Bhuvah Svah.

4.Lighting the camphor with the lamp and placing it in the bowl:

Arrange some small sticks in a metal plate, light a piece of camphor with the lamp, place it in the plate, chant the following Mantra and put the burning sticks in the Holy bowl among the sticks previously arranged.

Om, Bhoorbhuvah Svardyouriva Bhoomnaa Prithiveeva VarimNaa Tasyaaste Prithivi Devayajani PrishThegni –mannaada- mannaadyaa -yaadadhe.


5.Fanning the fire, if necessary. [ Please don’t move hands.]

Just chant the following Mantra and, if necessary, fan the fire for intensifying it.

Om, Udbudhyasvaagne Pratijaagrihi TvamishTaa - poorte San(g)srijethaamayanca. Asmintsadhasthe Adhyuttarasmin Vishvedevaa Yajamaanashca Seedata.


6. Placing 3 Samidhas (sticks) in the Holy fire:

Take 3 Samidhas in your left hand. Dip one of the three Samidhas (sticks) in ghee and place it in the Holy fire with your right hand while chanting the following Mantra:

Om, Ayanta Idhma Aatmaa Jaatavedas-tenedhyasva Vardhasva Cheddha Vardhaya Chaasmaan Prajayaa Pashubhir – Brahma-varchasenaa- nnaadyena Samedhaya Svaahaa. Idamagnaye Jaatavedase – Idanna Mama.

Chant the following two Mantras and place the second Samidhaa in the Holy fire:

Om, Samidhaagnim Duvasyata Ghriteirbodhaya – taa – tithim. Aasmin Havyaa Juhotana Svaahaa. Idamagnaye - Idanna Mama.

Om, Su – samiddhaaya Shochishe Ghritam Teevram Juhotana. Agnaye Jaatavedase Svaahaa. Idam-agnaye Jaatavedase – Idanna Mama.

Chant the following Mantra and place the third Samidhaa in the Holy fire:

Om, Tantvaa Samidbhirangiro Ghritena Vardhayaamasi Brihachchhochaa Yavishthya Svaaha. Idamagnaye-ngirase – Idanna Mama.


7.Oblations of ghee 5 times:

Chant the following Mantra 5 times and give the oblations of ghee pronouncing Svaaha with every Mantra:

Om, Ayanta Idhma Aatmaa Jaatavedas -tenedhyasva Vardhasva Cheddha Vardhaya Chaasmaan Prajayaa Pashubhir-Brahma-varchasenaa – nnaadyena Samedhaya Svaahaa. Idamagnaye Jaatavedase - Idanna Mama.


8.Jala-ProkshaNam (sprinkling water around the holy bowl):

Chant the following Mantras, take some water in your right hand from the pot kept separately for the purpose and sprinkle it as directed:

Om, Adite- numanyasva. (in the East)
Om, Anumate-numanyasva. (in the West)
Om, Saraswat – yanumanyasva. (in the North)
Om, Deva Savitah Prasuva Yajnam Prasuva Yajnapatim Bhagaaya Divyo Gandharvah Ketapooh Ketam Nah Punaatu Vaachaspatir Vaacham Nah Svadatu. (all around the Holy bowl).

9.4 oblations of ghee (Aaghaarou – Aajyabhaagaahutee)

Chant the following two Mantras and give the oblations of ghee in the Holy fire as directed:

Om, Agnaye Svaahaa. Idamagnaye – Idanna Mama.(in the North)
Om, Somaaya Svaahaa – Idam Somaaya - Idanna Mama. (in the South)

Chant the following two Mantras and give the oblations of ghee in fire, in the middle. Hereafter all the oblations of ghee, etc. are to be given in the middle only.

Om, Prajaapataye Svaahaa. Idam Prajaapataye – Idanna Mama.
Om, Indraaya Svaaha. Idamindraaya – Idanna Mama.


Daily Yajna:

10.Morning Mantras:

Chant the following Mantras and give the oblations of ghee and Saamagree in the holy fire:

Om, Sooryo Jyotir-Jyotih Sooryah Svaahaa.
Om, Sooryo Varcho Jyotir-Varchah Svaahaa.
Om, Jyotih Sooryah Sooryo Jyotih Svaahaa.
Om, Sajoordevena Savitraa Sajooru –shasendra –vatyaa. JushaaNah Sooryo Vetu Svaahaa.

11. Chant the following Mantras and give oblations of ghee and Saamagree:

Om, Bhooragnaye PraaNaaya Svaahaa. Idamagnaye PraaNaaya – Idanna Mama.
Om, Bhuvarvaayave- paanaaya Svaahaa. Idam Vaayave-paanaaya - Idanna Mama.
Om, Svaraadityaaya Vyaanaaya Svaahaa. Idamaadityaaya Vyaanaaya - Idanna Mama.
Om, Bhoorbhuvah – Svaragni – Vaayvaadityebhyah PraaNaa – paana – Vyaanebhyah Svaahaa. Idamagni – Vayvaadityebhyah PraaNaa – paana – Vyaanebhyah – Idanna Mama.
Om, Aapo Jyoteerasomritam Brahma Bhoor Bhuvah Svarom Svaahaa.
Om, Yaam Medhaam DevagaNaah Pitarash –chopaasate. Tayaa Maamadya Medhayaa -gne Medhaavinam Kuru Svaahaa.
Om, Vishvaani Deva Savitar-Duritaani Paraasuva. Yad-Bhadram Tanna Aasuva Svaahaa.
Om, Agne Naya Supathaa Raaye Asmaan Vishvaani Deva Vayunaani Vidvaan. Yuyodhyasmaj – JuhuraaNa – meno BhooyishThaante Nama Uktim Vidhema Svaahaa.

12.Evening Mantras:

In case you are not performing evening Poojaa separately, chant the following Mantras and give oblations of ghee and Saamagree. If you, however, are doing Poojaa only in the evening, you need not utter the Morning Mantras given above.

Om, Agnir-Jyotir-Jyotiragnih Svaahaa.
Om, Agnir-Varcho Jyotirvarchah Svaaha.

Utter Om, chant the following Mantra in your mind and then, utter Svaahaa and give the oblations of ghee and Saamagree.

Om, (Agnir-Jyotir-Jyoti- ragnih) Svaahaa.
Om, Sajoordevena Savitraa Sajoo –raatrye –ndravatyaa.
JushaaNo Agnirvetu Svaahaa.



Om, Bhooragnaye PraaNaaya Svaahaa.
Om, Bhuvarvaayave- paanaaya Svaahaa.
Om, Svaraadityaaya Vyaanaaya Svaahaa.
Om, Bhoorbhuvah – Svaragni – Vaayvaadityebhyah PraaNaa – paana – Vyaanebhyah Svaahaa.
Om, Aapo Jyoteerasomritam Brahma Bhoor Bhuvah Svarom Svaahaa.


14.Chanting Gaayatree Mantra (three times):

Here you may chant the following Gaayatree Mantra 3 times and give the oblations of ghee and Saamagree uttering Svaahaa in the end.

Om, Bhoor-Bhuvah Svah. Tat-Savitur-VareNyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi. Dhiyo Yo Nah Pra – Chodayaat Svaahaa.

In case you want to give more oblations you can repeat the Gaayatree Mantra (given above) as well as the following ‘Durita-NivaaraNa-Mantra’ as many times as you like and give the oblations of ghee and Saamagree along with chanting Swaahaa.

Durita- NivaaraNa- Mantra

Om, Vishvaani Deva Savitar-duritaani Paraasuva.
Yadbhadram Tanna Aasuva Swaahaa.



The Daily Yajna comes to an end here with PoorNaahuti. Chant the following Mantra three times and offer the whole of ghee and saamagree left over.

"OM, Sarvam Vei PoorNan(g) Svaahaa"


(Special Yajna to be continued)

In case you want to perform Special Yajna skip PoorNaahuti and continue Yajna with the next Mantras.

[In case there is no special ceremony to be celebrated you can skip 16 and 17 and go straight to 18 ]


Pradhaana Homa


16.Aaghaarou - Aajyabhaagaahutee:

Chant the following Mantras and give the oblations of ghee only as directed earlier. (Please refer to item 9).

Om, Agnaye Svaahaa, Idama-gnaye - Idanna Mama.
Om, Somaaya Svaahaa. Idam Somaaya – Idanna Mama.
Om, Prajaapataye Svaahaa. Idam Prajaapataye – Idanna Mama.
Om, Indraaya Svaahaa. Idamindraaya – Idanna Mama.

17.Special ceremonies:

Perform here the special ceremonies like Sanskaras, Birth day, Anniversary, Poornimaa and Amaavaasyaa, etc. and at the end chant the above 4 Mantras again to indicate their conclusion.


(Special Yajna continued)

PoorNaahuti – PrakaraNam

Now chant the Mantras of PoorNaahuti PrakaraNam as given below and give the oblations as directed:

18.Aaghaarou - Aajyabhaagaahutee:

Chant the following 4 Mantras and give oblations of ghee.

Om, Agnaye Svaahaa. Idamagnaye – Idanna Mama.
Om, Somaaya Svaahaa. Idam Somaaya – Idanna Mama.
Om, Prajaapataye Svaahaa. Idam Prajaapataye – Idanna Mama.
Om, Indraaya Svaahaa. Idamindraaya – Idanna Mama.


19.Vyaahriti – Aaahuti:

Chant the following Mantras and give the oblations of ghee:

Om, Bhooragnaye Svaahaa. Idamagnaye – Idanna Mama.
Om, Bhuvar-Vaayave Svaahaa. Idam Vaayave – Idanna Mama.
Om, Svaraadityaaya Svaahaa. Idamaadityaaya – Idanna Mama.
Om, Bhoor-Bhuvah-Svaragni-Vaayvaadityebhyah Svaahaa. Idamagni-Vaayvaa- dityebhyah – Idanna Mama.

20.Svishtakrit – Aahuti:

Now, first the Yajamaan should repeat after Purohita the meaning in English as given below and then, chant the following ‘Svishtakrit – Aahuti’ Mantra and give the oblation of the special sweet prepared for Yajna. Do not give oblation of sugar. If you have not prepared any special sweet just give the oblation of ghee.

To be repeated by Yajamaana:

"O God! You are Antaryaamee. You always live in me and know all the mistakes I commit by overdoing the things or by doing less than required. I atone them by giving this Aahuti. Please accept the Aahuti for atonement and give me the intellect and ability so I do not commit any wrong in the future. May I be blessed with all sweetness so that I may never fail in my life and all my desires are fulfilled by Your Grace."

Om, Yadasya KarmaNo-Tyareericham Yadvaa Nyoona-mihaakaram AgnishTat SvishTakrid Vidyaat Sarvam SvishTam Suhutam Karotu Me. Agnaye SvishTakrite Suhutahute Sarva- Praayashchittaa – huteenaam Kaamaanaam Samardhayitre Sarvaannah Kaamaant – Samardhaya Svaahaa.

Idamagnaye SvishTakrite – Idanna Mama.


21.Praajaapatya – Aahuti:

Chant Om, then utter the Mantra in your mind and give the oblation of ghee by pronouncing Svaahaa.

Om (Prajaapataye) Svaahaa. Idam Prajaapataye – Idanna Mama.

22.Pavamaana – Aahuti:

Chant the following 4 Mantras and give the oblations of ghee:

Om, Bhoor-Bhuvah Svah. Agna Aaayoongshi Pavasa Aasuvorja-Mishancha Nah. Aare Baadhasva Duchchhunaam Svaahaa. Idma-gnaye Pavamaanaaya – Idanna Mama.
Om, Bhoor-Bhuvah Svah. Agnir-Rishih Pavamaanah Paanchajanyah Purohitah. Tameemahe Mahaagayam Svaahaa. Idama-gnaye Pavamaanaaya – Idanna Mama.
Om, Bhoor-Bhuvah-Svah. Agne Pavasva Svapaa Asme Varchah Suveeryam. Dadhad Rayim Mayi Posham Svaahaa. Idamagnaye Pavamaanaaya – Idanna Mama.
Om, Bhoor-Bhuvah Svah. Prajaapate Na Tvadetaa-nyanyo Vishvaa Jaataani Pari Taa Babhoova. Yatkaamaaste Juhumastannostu Vayam Syaama Patayo Rayeenaam Svaahaa. Idam Prajaapataye – Idanna Mama.

23.8 Aajyaahuti:

Now, chant the following 8 Mantras and give the oblations of ghee and Saamagree:

Om, Tvanno Agne VaruNasya Vidvaan Devasya HeDo Ava – yaasiseeshThaah. YajishTho Vahnitamah Shoshuchaano Vishvaa Dveshaangsi Pra-Mumugdh-yasmat Svaahaa. Idamagnee - VaruNaabhyam
– Idanna Mama.

Om, Sa Tvanno Agne-vamo Bhavotee NedishTho Asyaa Ushaso VyushTou. Ava Yakshva No VaruNam RaraaNo Veehi MriDeekam Suhavo Na Edhi Svaahaa. Idamagniee-VaruNaabhyaam
– Idanna Mama.

Om, Imam Me VaruNa Shrudhee Havamadyaa Cha MriDaya. Tvaamavasyu-Raachake Svaahaa. Idam VaruNaaya - Idanna Mama.

Om, Tattvaa Yaami BrahmaNaa Vandamaanas-Tadaashaaste Yajamaano Havirbhih. AheDamaano VaruNeha Bodhyurushangsa Maa Na Aayuh Pramosheeh Svaahaa. Idam VaruNaaya – Idanna Mama.

Om, Ye Te Shatam VaruNa Ye Sahasram Yajniyaah Paashaa Vitataa Mahaantah. Tebhir No Adya Savitota VishNur- Vishve Muncnantu Marutah Svarkaah Svaahaa. Idam VaruNaaya Savitre VishNave Vishvebhyo Devebhyo Marudbhyah Svarkebhyah – Idanna Mama.

Om, Ayaashchaa -gne-syanabhi-shastipaashcha Satya-Mit-Tvama-Yaasi. Ayaa No Yajnam Vahaasyayaa No Dhehi Bheshajang Svaahaa. Idamagnaye Ayase - Idanna Mama.

Om, Uduttamam VaruNa Paashamasma-davaa-dhamam Vi Madhyamam Shrathaaya. Athaa Vayamaa-ditya Vrate Tavaanaagaso Aditaye Syaama Svaahaa. Idam VaruNaayaa-dityayaa-ditaye Cha – Idanna Mama.

Om, Bhavatan-nah Samanasou Sachetasaa-Varepasou. Maa Yajnang HingsishTam Maa Yajnapatim Jaatavedasou Shivou Bhavata-Madya nah Svaahaa. Idam Jatavedobhyaam - Idanna Mama.


24.PoorNaahuti (three times):

Chant the following Mantra 3 times and offer the whole of ghee and Saamagree left over in the Holy fire.

Om, Sarvam Vei Poornan(g) Svaahaa.
Om, Sarvam Vei PoorNan(g) Svaahaa.
Om, Sarvam Vei PoorNan(g) Svaahaa.


A special Appeal

That is the conclusion. You need not utter the Mantras like ‘Vasoh Pavitramasi’ etc. or do any other further rituals. This is what Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati has ordained in Sanskaaravidhi. Please follow strictly what Maharshi has said. Do not pay heed to the different instructions from different Pundits.

Unity and Uniformity are very essential for bringing up Aryasamaj as a strong movement.

May God bless us with full faith in our Rishis so we never go astray. Maharshi has very kindly simplified the Yajna. Please do not make it complicated again. Please do not sing the Mantras while doing Yajna or Agnihotra. Everyone present in Satsang should pronounce these Mantras with all concentration, devotion and love for God.
